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Participant management

To manage individual users, click on the respective user in the training coordination. The listed training participants can be filtered using the input field on the right. The filter is applied to all displayed fields.

Manual creation of participants

In addition to manually creating training participants, you can also create participants via the registration link and CSV import.

There are three ways to create training participants:

!!! note “” 1. Manual entry 2. CSV import of the data (this is reserved for the administration role) 3. Self-registration of the training participants via a registration link

No password is stored after creation, either when training participants are created manually or when they are imported. When importing CSV files, a password email can be sent to the participants. To do this, select Yes for Inform participants.

New course participants will then receive an email within 24 hours with information about how to access the training system.

If the course participants know their login name, they can use the “Forgot password” function themselves. When importing CSV files, the login name is the same as the email address.

It is also possible to assign the entire import to a course group directly when importing CSV files. When registering manually, this must be done individually for each training participant. Only with self-registration do training participants immediately assign themselves the password.

Here, too, group-specific registration is possible, since the registration links can be created directly for groups.

The manual creation of a training participant is started by clicking the New button.

Training participants are defined by at least their login name, first name and last name. The login name must be unique within the client. This also applies to archived training participants. It is therefore not possible to archive an account and create a new active account with the same login name.

!!! info “Info” It is highly recommended to specify an e-mail address, as this is the only way for course participants to use the “Forgot password” function when registering. The same applies to e-mail addresses as to login names: there can only be one account per e-mail address.

Explanation of the fields for a new entry

  • The status primarily determines whether a registration in the training portal is possible (active) or not (archived).
  • The selected language determines the language in which the training portal is displayed. It is not currently related to the language of the training. If no language is selected, the language setting of the browser determines the language in which the training portal is displayed. If there is no match with the supported languages, German is used.
  • The “Company” field is the only entry that cannot be changed by the training participants. If no company is specified, the training participants cannot be distinguished by company in the report.

Training participant detailed view

You can switch from the training participant overview to the detailed view by clicking on an entry.

The detail view lists the profile data of the training participants, the assigned training groups, the currently active training courses, and the relevant assignments to the training assignment.

You can switch to the edit assistant via the menu or set a new password for the participant. You can also send an email to the person so that they can assign the password themselves.

Password reset

There are two ways to reset the password of a training participant: You can either manually reset the password or send an email with the password.

Manual reset

If you want to reset the password manually, first go to the participant's profile view and select “Reset password” from the burger menu in the upper right corner.

A window for changing the password will then open. Please enter a new password with at least 8 characters, at least one lower case letter and one capital letter, as well as a number, and then save it using the “Save | Change password” button.

Send password email

To reset the password via the password email, you also have to switch to the participant's profile view. In this case, select “PW-Email” from the burger menu.

The participant will then receive a message at the email address given in the profile, asking them to change their password.

Archiving participants

To archive training users, first select them in the participant overview. To do this, click on the name of the person you want to archive.

Select the edit button to access the edit menu.

You can now change the status from “Active” to “Archived”.

The change was successful if you see the status

'Archived' after saving.

To get an overview of the archived participants, visit the participant overview page and select the 'Archived Participants' option.

!!! note “” Archived participants are automatically deleted after a period of 3 years.

Group assignment

Training participants can be assigned to groups to make training administration easier. There are two ways to assign group membership: directly in the profile view or under “Groups”. If you want to assign course participants to a group via the profile view, click on the + symbol in the “Assigned Training Groups” section.

Now select the desired training group or create a new one by clicking on “Create group”. Confirm your selection by clicking Save.

Alternatively, you can go to the Groups tab in the administration to get to the group overview.

Training assignment

To assign the created training participants to a training course, an assignment must be created. Further information can be found in the Assignments section.

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