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Training overview

The training overview provides an overview of the training courses available in the client, as well as the available versions and their validity period. It is currently not possible to edit the training courses or their versions directly with the Administrator role or with the Training Coordinator role.

!!! info “Note” If you require further training or would like to distribute your own training to your users via Privacysoft, please contact support.

The training provided by Privacysoft is revised annually and activated at the beginning of the new year. This is to ensure that the training content is up to date and that each training user completes the training and refreshes their knowledge at least once a year. Here you will find an overview of the versions and how long they have been or are active.

!!! info “Note” Shorter or longer repetition periods would be technically possible if desired.

The detailed view (magnifying glass icon) lists all assigned training users with their current training progress. However, for archived training versions (validity expired or training archived by support), only the training users who have successfully completed the training are listed.

Which training courses are displayed to the training participants depends on the assignments. These are explained in more detail in the next chapter.

!!! info “Note” The detail views only contain the assignments relevant to the account / group. For example, assignments for other training participants are not listed.

Training participants can be assigned to training courses via various assignments. The training course is displayed until no more assignments are active.

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