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Example target group training

If you would like to offer one or more training courses for a specific target group, proceed as follows:

1. Group creation

To create a group, click on the square menu and then on [Groups]:

Click on the square menu and then on [+] New:


It is important to always assign the group to a company. Without a company assignment, no registration link can be generated for a group.

2. Training assignment

Assign the training courses that the persons in the target group should complete to the group. To do this, use the [Assignment] function and add a new assignment [+].

When creating the assignment, stay at the group assignment level:

In the next step, select the desired training. If you want to make several training courses available to the group, carry out these steps several times:

To get everyone into the training, it's best to use the self-registration function. Alternatively, participants can also be loaded into the training module via CSV import. Instructions for this can be found here. To retrieve the registration link, go back to the overview of training users and click on [registration link] there:

For the type of registration, select group registration:

After you have selected the appropriate group in the next step, you will find the registration link in the URL line in the last step. You can now copy this and send it by email, for example, to the people who are to take part in the selected training courses. The training assignment remains active if you have not set an expiry date for the assignment, so that a new version is made available to the training participants each year for renewed awareness.