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Releasenotes 1.22.0 Zoetler

Releasenotes 1.22.0

Released on: 03.06.22 22:00:00


1. new additional values: measures, systems, data sharing, note

The previous ability to add simply structured data such as "attachments", "links", "keywords" and "comments" to exactly one document has been significantly expanded. We added four new types of additional values based on customizable templates. At the current state, we ship four standard templates, which are described in more detail below.

The new additional values differ in that they not only offer options for linking to files, documents or keywords, but deeper structures that can also map case distinctions are available in terms of content. Thus, they correspond structurally more to "normal" (short) questionnaires than to the simple additional values listed above. On the other hand, the same additional values can also be linked several times, similar to the linking of main documents among each other.

The link can be made from the modules VV, TOM, AV as well as ADT. Changes to the additional values are subsequently possible, but can also be prevented via 'Lock'. Locking and unlocking can be done by the creating user as well as by the person(s) with the DPO or DPC role.

In detail, the following template-based additional values have been added or new cases can be mapped with them.


Structured questionnaire that supports the documentation of protective or organizational measures taken and the contacts responsible for the respective measure. For example, measures such as "encryption of the database backup" with the type of measure "access control" and the responsibility of the respective administrative contact in the company are conceivable here.


Questionnaire that supports the documentation of affected systems. It will be possible to overview all systems and to quickly overlook the data processed in TOMs or AVs. Conceivable would be for example the enumeration of a DB system and/or a CRM system the data of a processing concern or contain. In addition, the questionnaire can still indicate the contact(s) responsible for the system as well as the deletion period for the system with the respective data. The questionnaire thus provides the basis for a deletion concept, for example.

Data sharing

This additional values questionnaire can be used to find out from whom data is received or to whom data is sent. A distinction is made here as to whether the data is sent to internal (other departments in the same company) or external participants, and on what legal basis the data is forwarded. For external participants in particular, a distinction is made between safe (within the EU) and unsafe third countries. In the case of unsafe third countries, the legal regulation that enables the exchange is also queried. Since data transfer is often based on order processing, it is optionally possible to link this.


This is a plain text note that any user can attach as an additional value to a document or a question of the document.

2. List of additional values on the DSM page (privacy management)

In the Person Menu, which is available to every user in the top right corner of Privacysoft, there is a link to the new Cross Section Module DSM. The link leads to a new page that lists all existing new additional values. Since additional values in themselves have no relation to a company or a department, all existing additional values are displayed. Documents (e.g. DP, TOM, DPA, ADT) that link the additional values are listed according to the rights system, i.e. according to the company assigned to the user. Conclusion: Additional values are visible to everyone. Documents that link additional values, on the other hand, are listed according to the usual rights system. Also due to user rights it is not possible to edit additional values from the list. Clicking on a list entry opens the overview, which shows the contents of the additional value in abbreviated form. Complete opening / changing of additional values is possible from the individual document, according to the rights system.

3. Multiple linking of already existing additional values

Within the usual rights system, it is possible to refer to existing additional values from within documents and to link them multiple times. For this purpose, there is the possibility to select one or more existing additional values on the left next to the button 'New creation' and to link them to the current document or the current question.

4. Copy and multi-copy

For the modules VV and TOM there is now the possibility to copy existing documents one or more times. This feature is particularly useful if you want to copy the same questionnaires for one or more subsidiaries in a group structure.

The Single copy is enabled from the rights group 'Editor', the Multiple copy from the rights group 'Data protection coordinator'. For this purpose, the document to be copied must be selected from the list of DPs / TOMs in the right-hand help menu "..." (three dots), select the respective item 'Copy' or 'Multiple copy'. Then the target, i.e. the company, the department and the responsible contact for the copy are to be selected. In the case of multiple copies, several companies / departments / contacts are required. Copies are in each case deep copies, i.e. all direct contents are taken over such as questions if necessary given answers. Whether the existing user or the current user is to be taken over as the answerer is also queried. However, no additional data or attachments or the like are taken over.

5. Upgrade of various internal libraries

On the server side as well as for the user interface, various libraries were renewed or brought up to date. The results should not have a direct impact on the users, but they will make the software more secure and up-to-date.

6. Switching off the so-called "Classic Surface

After - now approx. 2 years ago - the deactivation of the "classic interface" was announced, this is neither available as a configuration nor is the classic / old interface supported any more from this release. Possibly existing user configurations will be changed to the current / modern interface with this release. Affected accounts have already been informed by mail a few weeks ago or have been informed individually about the changeover.

Bug fixes

1. Keywords list only documents qua rights system

In the cross-section module 'Keywords' all (!) documents linked to a keyword were listed so far. It was not possible to open the respective documents, links were only provided within the rights system. Nevertheless, there was a gray area, as long as the document name or the person responsible in each case allowed conclusions to be drawn from the keyword. This was changed in that from now on, within the rights system, the user is only shown documents from the companies that are assigned to the user anyway.

2. Minor changes in the export / re-import of Excel files

Especially for TOMs, problems could happen under very special conditions when re-importing Excel files. Here there were small changes and renaming. The handling of legacy data (ie. old exports) is guaranteed.